TRUE LIGHT is in Stores Now!

Terri Blackstock Uncategorized Leave a Comment

I’ve been waiting so long for this, and now the time has finally come. My new book TRUE LIGHT is finally on the bookstore shelves. And I’m putting the finishing touches on DAWN’S LIGHT, which will be out in the spring of 2008.

This series has been the most difficult I’ve ever written, as you can imagine. So much research has gone into each book. I always do research for my books–things like asking a surgeon how I could shoot someone in the head without killing him, and make sure he’s up again in two weeks. What velocity gun would I use? How far away would I have to be? (I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m on an FBI “Most Dangerous” list somewhere.) That kind of research is always fun. But in this series, I’ve had to research things that haven’t happened, and while much in my Restoration Series is speculation, I’ve had to base it in science and reality. I’ve had to put myself in the skin of people who are completely unprepared for what has happened to them. I’ve had to imagine where I would go to get water, what I’d do for money, where I might plant food…

I’m looking so forward to ending this series and getting back to novels in which my characters can take turning on the lights for granted, use telephones, drive cars, and pull through a drive-thru for dinner!

But the Restoration Series has been a real labor of love. I started with the question in my mind: “What might God do to get our attention?” We live in a society of extravagance and self-indulgence. Americans are some of the richest people in the world. We’re dazed and jaded by our wealth and our comfort. If God really wanted to purge us and make us into people of substance, who bore fruit for His kingdom, what might He do to us? This was a situation that came to my mind as I contemplated that. And whether He chooses to use this scenario or another one, I believe God will do His refining work in Christendom, and it might hurt a lot. The Restoration Series is not just about restoring power. It’s about spiritual restoration, the kind that makes us depend more on Christ and less on our comforts.

I hope you’ll find TRUE LIGHT worth waiting for! God bless you, and have a wonderful summer!

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